Saturday, December 10, 2016

A Greener Christmas, the 2016 edition

4. Food for thought

Give less, overall. I don’t know how Christmas was when you were a kid but in my house (and my friends’ homes) we got a present from our parents, one from the grandparents, and that was that. That’s what was normal. How is it that nowadays it’s impossible to fathom a Christmas tree without a sea of shiny paper and ribbon underneath?

There are families making effort to go back to those days, limiting presents to one per

This time of the year, good
company is the most important.
person from each person. It isn’t something to everyone’s liking but still, something to consider when shopping for those closest to you. Quantity is not the answer: quality and good company are what count most during this season.

5. And actual food

Avoid paper plates, and plastic cups and utensils. Please. If you’re short on your our dining ware, you can always borrow from family, or guests; it makes things feel more genuine anyway.

Also to avoid? Buying individually bottled drinks for people. There are many quality wines in larger bottles or even boxes, and you can use a carafe or non-descript nice bottle to serve.

A traditional carboy for
serving wine.
There is no point in buying small soda or juice bottles when people can just share around the table. Oh, and it’s nice to create your own drinks, like eggnog, Irish cream or mulled wine (mulled wine sounds strange fi you don’t come from a place with cold winter climates, but it is a delicious traditional drink for the coldest days).

Buying locally-grown and raised food is always best when possible, as is trying to buy what you need, and not over-buying, because it leads to food waste.

6. The tree!

If you have a plastic one, use it until it falls apart, please. Afterwards, consider buying a potted tree and not a cut one. Potted trees can be kept from year to year (if you water them) and when they get too big you can always plant it in the yard, give it to someone, or donate it to a local park.

When your tree lights break, please make sure you replace them using LED light strands:

Thousands of trees are felled
each year for our sake.
They consume up to 90% less and last much longer.

An electric timer for your indoor and outdoor Christmas lights will help you control your electric consumption, which is very good for when you aren’t home.

In decorations, wood, cloth, metal and other lasting materials should be the top choice for tree ornaments: they last longer than crystal and keep much better than plastic. As an added bonus, finding these types of ornaments allows you to create yearly memories because usually you can only get one or two at a time. Oh, and about those ornaments that always stay at the bottom of the box and you never put up, why not donate them? There are many people who can’t afford even that this time of the year.

  5. The day(s) after Christmas

A candle set in an old
tea cup.

Recycle!!! Did you get a new phone, new clothes, housewares? Recycle, donate or sell old ones. The sooner you do this the better, especially when it comes to electronics.

I have given you many ideas to help you on your quest for a greener holiday season, but am sure that you have tons of ideas that I haven’t even considered. Do others readers and the planet a kindness, and feel free to post your own green concepts for the holidays on the Comments section below.


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