Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tell me about your Christmas: Maria Antonieta

Today we start a series in which members, staff tell us about their holidays, present or past. Today we start with Maria Antonieta's recollections of her childhood in Bolivia:

"I don’t know how traditional this was for the rest of Bolivia but in my family
Plaza de Colon, in Cochabamba
–in Cochabamba- we were a legion: my grandparents, their 8 kids (even the ones abroad came home for the holidays), 22 grandchildren… you get the idea.

When we were kids we set up a Santa Claus theater, known there as “Papanoel”.

On Christmas Eve we had turkey for dinner. Then we waited till midnight, kids included, and the grownups had champagne and for the last minute before midnight we did a countdown. At midnight we all hugged and celebrated the birth of Jesus.

Paneton with candied fruit

A very traditional sweet was the panetón with candied fruit.

On Christmas morning my grandfather, known as don Rafito, used to make, all by himself, cheese cakes for the whole family. Then the whole of Christmas day you relaxed, stayed with family, and enjoyed your presents.

I think that the most important thing in my memories is having grown with the joy of being with family. When I speak with other people from Latin America we can all relate when it comes to the homesickness that you feel living here… missing that family tightness if you don’t have it here.

Back home e had a Christmas tree with loads of ornaments, but the important piece was the nativity, the scene with the manger and in it the baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the angel and the 3 kings... it was the central piece to Christmas. So important that there are even nativity creation contests. "

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